Nairobi –

The Haiti Project –
This year we visited the Orphans that we have been supporting since 2015, we partnered with East River Fellowship and housed 5 boys and 2 girls who were living in an abusive orphanage. We helped with food, clothing, shelter, along with education. On our visit we discovered that due to extreme poverty the widows and widowers needed extra care, some were sleeping on dirt floors with no food or clothing. We began the Widow’s Program to provide food clothing and medicine when needed; This year we started the garden project. This will enable them to become self sustaining. Our hope is that we can raise $10,000 to drill a well and build a widows home to support these widows in need.
Zambia –
Just outside of Lusaka Zambia we are aiding Jessica Maslen who is there developing a community called Busalo. Thus far we have provided the funds for the roof of the new school. We have also provided funding for the development of the orphan girls home along with formula and basic needs for infants that have lost their mothers to HIV.
Malawi –
We partnered with the Malawi team to provide monthly support for basic needs for three widows and helped them fund their businesses. We have also placed windows and doors on a widow’s home to provide safety.
Kenya –
Our support in Kenya provided an orphanage school of 152 orphans with three meals a day for the remainder of 2015 and 2016. We have also provided a computer and camera so that they can communicate with us and send pictures.
Uganda –
We partnered with the Uganda team by providing building funds for their school. We also have provided funds for the feeding program at the school for 2015 and 2016.
Cameroon –
Partnered with Cameroon to provide 10 sewing machines to local widows as means to begin their own tailoring business.